CacheSpy [Deleted]


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euantor submitted a new resource:

CacheSpy - Take control of your data cache

Ever wondered what lurks in your data cache? Wonder no longer. With CacheSpy, you can see a list of all your current caches as well as review their contents. This is handy mostly for developers, but also for curious administrators.

CacheSpy access is limited via an admin permission should you want to hide cached data from prying eyes.

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That's strange, I should have checked the zip really. Sounds like a probable issue with github. I'll fix it asap!
Downloaded it again, same thing :( a 1kb zip file from github with only (which I would also recommend changing to a txt file)
download worked. However, there is a lack of instructions as to where to upload the directories relative to the base xf directory.
Does this not work with Memcached? I don't see anything on the page (made sure I updated admin permission for it as well)
I haven't tested with Memcached. It makes use of the core classes, so I assumed it would. I will have to install it and see what the issue is. Thanks for the report.
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Hopefully you can find a work around. Regardless, looks like a good add-on for those without Memcached.
running litespeed with xcache, when I go to CacheSpy, I get this error:

Server Error
Current backend doesn't implement the Zend_Cache_Backend_ExtendedInterface, so this method is not available

  1. Zend_Cache::throwException() in Zend/Cache/Core.php at line 571
  2. Zend_Cache_Core->getIds() in XenDevelop/CacheSpy/ControllerAdmin/CacheSpy.php at line 22
  3. XenDevelop_CacheSpy_ControllerAdmin_CacheSpy->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/control/public_html/admin.php at line 13
Yet another issue with a backend not implementing functionality. Not much I can do about that as it's an issue in the Zend core :(
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