Implemented Cache posts for later insertion if Elasticsearch service is offline.


XenForo moderator
Staff member
As per title realy.

Would be good that if the Elasticsearch stopped responding, that on an error the post that was missed out gets added to a backup mysql table, so once the admin has fixed the issue, he has an option to re-hand those posts over to Elasticsearch to be indexed without requiring a full re-index.

Don't think it would be too hard either? Just have a script to parse the stack trace the logs throw up on error and extract the required information.
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One of the things I like about ElasticSearch, too, is that you can modify the search mappings, and make use of other features that are not enabled by default. One of the ideas I have always toyed with is to use a "soundex" style of search, where it will catch misspelled words. (For those who aren't familiar with it, think of "soundex" or Metaphone or other similar systems as breaking down a search term into what it sounds like when spoken, as opposed to how it is spelled.) Adjusting the relevance of that would be tricky, though. But, not impossible if someone wanted to put a lot of effort into tweaking it, and configuring the additional dependencies on the server.
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