XF 2.0 Board not sending email


Active member
Board stopped sending out emails (using default mailing style)

I cant even log into my board now because I cant get my admin 2fa email.

I know that I can change the database key somewhere to allow logins without 2FA which makes things really less secure.
Any thoughts?
appreciate you helping me with this.
No problem... it is kind of hard to trouble shoot via a forum... but odds are you are on the spam lists for various mail providers for sending to non-valid accounts in excess of what they expect.

I think Yahoo,Gmail and Hotmail have me on spam so I need to figure out where to get off those lists... without changing my entire domain....
From what I saw of the error message, Yahoo is just a temporary error - temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see [URL]https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/SLN3434.html[/URL] (in reply to MAIL FROM command).
If you go to that link it tells you their recommendations, and the fact it is only a temporary issue.
If you can get a return from the Gmail and Hotmail it should also tell you what the "error" is. Normally they will be a 550 type error if they are being rejected permanently and give the reason and possibly a method of resolution of that issue.
No problem... it is kind of hard to trouble shoot via a forum... but odds are you are on the spam lists for various mail providers for sending to non-valid accounts in excess of what they expect.

From what I saw of the error message, Yahoo is just a temporary error - temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see [URL]https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/SLN3434.html[/URL] (in reply to MAIL FROM command).
If you go to that link it tells you their recommendations, and the fact it is only a temporary issue.
If you can get a return from the Gmail and Hotmail it should also tell you what the "error" is. Normally they will be a 550 type error if they are being rejected permanently and give the reason and possibly a method of resolution of that issue.
its definitely a blacklist error. I'm returning to this after an absence, I dont see how to fix this easily... doesn't seem to be temporary.
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