Block Links in First X Threads


New member
Recently, my forum has been hit hard with spam, I saw a few threads floating around XenForo forums claiming their forums were also subject to this. I have been trying to come up with something but can't quite figure it out, so I wanted to see if there is something already out there. I basically want a plugin/mod or maybe there is an option built in, to block posts completely that include a link, if the poster has less then X posts.

This will stop bots dead in their tracks, because they all include a link or image, as far as I've seen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Recently, my forum has been hit hard with spam, I saw a few threads floating around XenForo forums claiming their forums were also subject to this. I have been trying to come up with something but can't quite figure it out, so I wanted to see if there is something already out there. I basically want a plugin/mod or maybe there is an option built in, to block posts completely that include a link, if the poster has less then X posts.

This will stop bots dead in their tracks, because they all include a link or image, as far as I've seen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank Digital Doctor for your suggestion. It has ability to filter links and keywords. Join Date and Post Count are being used as exception conditions.
Thanks! :)

As a bot blocking strategy that probably won't work well (plus there is no such feature in the software). It is better to stop them at registration. See this resource for some options:
Pretty much have to ask, if this wouldn't be a good way to stop bots, why in the post you linked, which is yours, do you recommend doing just that?
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