As designed Birthday format on profile doesn't seem to match that chosen in the language settings


Well-known member
I have this chosen in settings


But it's appearing like this on user profiles


Should these formats not match? Or do I have to manually format the date on the profile?
It seems to have updated elsewhere on the forum.
Sorry, I didn’t mean the full format with the 2020.

Just the right order.

I would assume the day month should still match that in the settings.
I assume it's to do with how the content is formatted based on whether the year is displayed or not.

I'll move it to bugs so the developers can confirm whether it's as designed or not.
This is generally as designed. As noted, if no year is selected, we don't have a date format that can handle that. It's not trivial to try to convert the full date format to one that doesn't have the year, so we pick one (that we internally refer to as monthDay).

If this is significant to you, you might need to customize the member_about template to override the birthday display format.
Fair play. Personally I don't mind it, but the inconsistency bothers the owner of the site so I'll look into seeing how to change it.
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