In almost all specialised Boards users tend to use abbreviations for the most common words.
Therefor it would be great to have a "positive list" to index words shorter than the ft_min_word_len of MySQL for the search functionality.
My suggestion is to give an admin the possibility to fill a positive list with some short words like "LED" or "xF".
The Xenforo backend than puts some uncommon chars like "_%_" after the short word in the backend, so that MySQL can index this word.
If a user enters LED in the search mask or the Text with the word LED will be displayed somewhere the Xenforo backend automatically removes or adds the "_%_" after the short word, but only if the word is part of the configured positive list (to prevent indexing of often used and never searched words like "of", "by", "is", "to",...).
tl;dr; :
Therefor it would be great to have a "positive list" to index words shorter than the ft_min_word_len of MySQL for the search functionality.
My suggestion is to give an admin the possibility to fill a positive list with some short words like "LED" or "xF".
The Xenforo backend than puts some uncommon chars like "_%_" after the short word in the backend, so that MySQL can index this word.
If a user enters LED in the search mask or the Text with the word LED will be displayed somewhere the Xenforo backend automatically removes or adds the "_%_" after the short word, but only if the word is part of the configured positive list (to prevent indexing of often used and never searched words like "of", "by", "is", "to",...).
tl;dr; :
- Positive list for short words in admin area
- User writes text with word from positive list into his text
- Word will be extended by Xenforo backend with unusal special chars to match ft_min_word_len in MySQL to get indexed and then saved in database table
- If text will get displayed the special chars for extending the word length will be automatically removed by Xenforo backend
- If word will be put into the search box, Xenforo backend hiddenly extends word with special chars and it can be found in the database.
- Win!
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