Better charts and graphs for XF


Well-known member
Currently Flot is used for charts and graphs. Flot itself seems rather unimpressive compared to alternatives like Google Charts, ZingCharts, Linkurious, D3, etc.
Having a good Charts & Graphs solution packaged with XF will not only give us better backend charts, but more importantly will allow addon developers to create very beautiful things for the front end. It would also allow for more beautiful polls.
Upvote 16
Now that xenforo uses chartist.js (which is awesome) it would be nice if the features would be easily accessible on the front end.
For example: I could create custom fields and then display a chart with the data from the field.
Or display poll results in much nicer format.
Or add charts and graphs to the editor.
Now that xenforo uses chartist.js (which is awesome) it would be nice if the features would be easily accessible on the front end.
For example: I could create custom fields and then display a chart with the data from the field.
Or display poll results in much nicer format.
Or add charts and graphs to the editor.
Something very simple like you suggest seems dooable, but for anything really useful it appears javascript is needed by the user.

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