[bd] Medal [Deleted]

it seem whoever is Super admin on forums are unable to view their medals

EDIT: is there any permission to this ?
Do you guys have some style that only admin can use? Maybe that style has the custom template? There is no permission check here... Oh, maybe take a look at the browser console? I think there may be some javascript error.
So I have a functionality question/feature request.

On my board we hold three monthly writing contest and award medals with your add-on. Due to the number of contests and customized medals required, its inefficient to edit each medal for each contest (we use the same medal icon but add the contest number in the bottom corner of the image file). This is also a challenge if we ever want to change the medal icon in the future.

Ideally we’d be able to upload the same medal without the contest number, and add the contest number in a new field when awarding the medal. This would save a lot of time for us.

My initial thoughts were to use a watermarking functionality to add the number to each medal or use CSS to add the text on top of the medal, but both options are equally difficult in maintaining.

What would you suggest for my situation of using the same medal with one text edit hundreds of times? Any ideas I could impliment now? Would you consider adding expanded functionality enabling this in a future release?
So I have a functionality question/feature request.

On my board we hold three monthly writing contest and award medals with your add-on. Due to the number of contests and customized medals required, its inefficient to edit each medal for each contest (we use the same medal icon but add the contest number in the bottom corner of the image file). This is also a challenge if we ever want to change the medal icon in the future.

Ideally we’d be able to upload the same medal without the contest number, and add the contest number in a new field when awarding the medal. This would save a lot of time for us.

My initial thoughts were to use a watermarking functionality to add the number to each medal or use CSS to add the text on top of the medal, but both options are equally difficult in maintaining.

What would you suggest for my situation of using the same medal with one text edit hundreds of times? Any ideas I could impliment now? Would you consider adding expanded functionality enabling this in a future release?

I think you can some some special format for the award reason. That way, we can extract the contest number/name from award reason and show it directly over the medal image. In any case, that will need some custom development and probably won't make it into the core add-on for simplicity.
Currently medals are shown in a tab in profile page.
Could you add on option to display medals on a widget instead a tab ?
Is there an option to remove medals using Moderator tools as well ?

I will be considering buying for this for another forum if you implanted those features.

By the way, it is one licence/domain ?

Thank you.
Hi xfrocks,
great addon that will help me move off our poor-man-medal-system that I ported over from our old VB3.

Can you pls. convert my purchase from yesterday to 1-year for that addon ? Thanks in advance.

A more technical question: I need to migrate old medals to the new system by directly inserting into the xf_bdmedal_awarded table.
Is it sufficient to just fill in (medal_id, user_id, username) ?
Should the award_date be set with eg. current date ?
Will rebuild users take care of number of medals in the user-record ?
Do I neeed to update xf_bdmedal_medal as well (last_award_date, last_award_user_id, last_award_username) or is that handled by rebuild as well ?

I think you can some some special format for the award reason. That way, we can extract the contest number/name from award reason and show it directly over the medal image. In any case, that will need some custom development and probably won't make it into the core add-on for simplicity.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Would you consider developing a second add-on for this (or integrating it in core) if I can fund it/sponsor it? You'd obviously be the best person for the job if we're expanding functionality rather than coding a new one from scratch. I'm still several months away from an upgrade to XF2, but let me know if you're willing/interested.
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