[bd] Medal [Deleted]

Hi there, I bought this add-on. I think it's a great feature for my community. But, I'm having a problem: If you visit any of my member pages with a medal awarded, in the "Awarded medals" tab, it's showing an error message.

In the tab URL, when you click on it, it doesn't go to: {url}/members/{member}/medals but instead it goes to {url}/members/medals

How can I fix it?

Thank you...

^ I'm not experiencing this but I have a similar question.

I want to link to the awarded medals member view link via account_visitor_menu. I know how to setup the link but the issue I'm having is I can't figure out how to link to a users profile page or what the URL variable would be to have them link to the profile page and to the awarded medals area.

I wanted to add a "manage awards" link. To take them directly the the award page.

EDIT Nevermind I used this for anyone interested and placed it below the follow/ignore area in account_visitor_menu template:

<li><a href="{{ link('members', $xf.visitor) . '#bdMedal' }}" class="menu-linkRow"><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ phrase('Manage Awards') }}</a></li>
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Hi there, I bought this add-on. I think it's a great feature for my community. But, I'm having a problem: If you visit any of my member pages with a medal awarded, in the "Awarded medals" tab, it's showing an error message.

In the tab URL, when you click on it, it doesn't go to: {url}/members/{member}/medals but instead it goes to {url}/members/medals

How can I fix it?

Thank you...
I am having the same issue as you, it seem it's the Theme that i am using it's intrepid theme it could happen on few numbers of theme i am not sure what happening cause i switch back to xenforo default theme and it was fix there but not on any other theme that i had @xfrocks how do i fix this issue please and thanks you
I am having the same issue as you, it seem it's the Theme that i am using it's intrepid theme it could happen on few numbers of theme i am not sure what happening cause i switch back to xenforo default theme and it was fix there but not on any other theme that i had @xfrocks how do i fix this issue please and thanks you
In my case, I'm using the default theme, although my forum is in Spanish. Maybe it's something that's got to do with the translation or something. I have no clue...
Hi there, I bought this add-on. I think it's a great feature for my community. But, I'm having a problem: If you visit any of my member pages with a medal awarded, in the "Awarded medals" tab, it's showing an error message.

In the tab URL, when you click on it, it doesn't go to: {url}/members/{member}/medals but instead it goes to {url}/members/medals

How can I fix it?

Thank you...

Hi there, I finally figured it out on my own.

What I did was, in the bdmedal_member_view_macros template, in line 27, replace this line:

           href="{{ link('members/medals') }}"

with this one:

           href="{{ link('members/medals', $user) }}"

As you can tell, the only thing to modify is by adding ", $user" to it. That's all...

I don't know if this is the right thing to do, I'm no coder, but maybe the add-on creator could light us up on the right answer to this.

Regards to all...
Hi there, I finally figured it out on my own.

What I did was, in the bdmedal_member_view_macros template, in line 27, replace this line:

           href="{{ link('members/medals') }}"

with this one:

           href="{{ link('members/medals', $user) }}"

As you can tell, the only thing to modify is by adding ", $user" to it. That's all...

I don't know if this is the right thing to do, I'm no coder, but maybe the add-on creator could light us up on the right answer to this.

Regards to all...
This looks like a bug in the add-on, sorry for the trouble. New version is coming out soon and it will fix this. If you have made the template change, please remember to revert the custom change for best compatibility.
^ I'm not experiencing this but I have a similar question.

I want to link to the awarded medals member view link via account_visitor_menu. I know how to setup the link but the issue I'm having is I can't figure out how to link to a users profile page or what the URL variable would be to have them link to the profile page and to the awarded medals area.

I wanted to add a "manage awards" link. To take them directly the the award page.

EDIT Nevermind I used this for anyone interested and placed it below the follow/ignore area in account_visitor_menu template:

<li><a href="{{ link('members', $xf.visitor) . '#bdMedal' }}" class="menu-linkRow"><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ phrase('Manage Awards') }}</a></li>
v2.0.4 is now available and it comes with a style property to add this link automatically. Please revert your template change and update the add-on to use it.
I have just revert the changes and upgrade it, the bug is still there and not fix
Hmm, make sure you uploaded the new _data/templates.xml file overwriting the old one on the server. Also, if you go and edit "bdmedal_member_view_macros" now, it should be (notice the members/medals links):

<xf:macro name="moderator_menu_actions" arg-user="!">
    <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.canAwardMedal({$user})">
        <a href="{{ link('medals/award', null, {'username': $user.username}) }}" class="menu-linkRow"
            {{ phrase('bdmedal_awarded_add') }}

<xf:macro name="stat_pair" arg-user="!">
    <xf:if is="property('bdMedal_showStatPair')">
        <dl class="pairs pairs--rows pairs--rows--centered fauxBlockLink">
            <dt>{{ phrase('bdmedal_medal_entities') }}</dt>
                <a href="{{ link('members/medals', $user) }}" data-xf-click="overlay"
                   class="fauxBlockLink-linkRow u-concealed">

<xf:macro name="tabs" arg-user="!">
    <xf:if is="property('bdMedal_showTab') && $user.medal_count > 0">
        <a class="tabs-tab"
           href="{{ link('members/medals', $user) }}"
            {{ phrase('bdmedal_awarded_medals') }}

<xf:macro name="tab_panes" arg-user="!">
    <xf:if is="property('bdMedal_showTab') && $user.medal_count > 0">
        <li data-href="{{ link('members/medals', $user) }}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="bdMedal">
            <div class="blockMessage">{{ phrase('loading...') }}</div>
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