[bd] Attachment Store [Deleted]

1) The two add-ons would conflict because they both tries to change the attachment URL.
2) That's being worked on.
3) Possible.
I finally got this installed this morning and removed Tinhte addon http://xenforo.com/community/resources/tinhte-image-attachment-optimization-cdn-support.909/

I have the attachment served via Cloudfront. I already rebuilt attachment cache.

There are some posts with image attachments that I made using that addon and now the attachments do not show up for guests anymore.
Example (attachment is the first center link).

Is there something else I need to do for guest to see those image attachments? Is there permission I need to check?
Yes, it seems.
How do I check if things are working properly? Do they only work with new attachments? How do I check if existing attachments are served from cloudfront?
Unfortunately the only way to check is to visit the old threads randomly.

If you ran the rebuild tool, old attachments will work just like the new ones.
Upgraded to XF 1.2 Gold just now, and this is now erroring

ErrorException: Declaration of bdAttachmentStore_XenForo_Model_Attachment::getAttachmentDataFilePath() should be compatible with XenForo_Model_Attachment::getAttachmentDataFilePath(array $data, $internalDataPath = NULL) - library/bdAttachmentStore/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php:8
Generated By: Unknown Account, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/z22se/public_html/library/bdAttachmentStore/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php(8): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2048, 'Declaration of ...', '/home/z22se/pub...', 8, Array)
#1 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php(119): include('/home/z22se/pub...')
#2 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/Application.php(959): XenForo_Autoloader->autoload('bdAttachmentSto...')
#3 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/Application.php(483): XenForo_Application::autoload('bdAttachmentSto...')
#4 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/Model.php(189): XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass('XenForo_Model_A...', 'model')
#5 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/Controller.php(101): XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_A...')
#6 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(1805): XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_A...')
#7 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(174): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread->_getAttachmentModel()
#8 /home/z22se/public_html/library/ThreadWatchers/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(7): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex()
#9 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): ThreadWatchers_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex()
#10 /home/z22se/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#11 /home/z22se/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#12 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) "http://www.z22se.co.uk/threads/irmscher-hq.14029/"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
I think I've fixed the errors by amending Attachment.php

z22se@z22se.co.uk [~/public_html/library/bdAttachmentStore/XenForo/Model]# diff Attachment.php Attachment.php.old
<      public function getAttachmentDataFilePath(array $data, $internalDataPath = NULL)
>      public function getAttachmentDataFilePath(array $data)
<      public function getAttachmentThumbnailFilePath(array $data, $internalDataPath = NULL)
>      public function getAttachmentThumbnailFilePath(array $data)
Hi @xfrocks - since the update to 0.9.11 it's not creating thumbnails for @bobster65 showcase or @Chris Deeming s xenmediagallery.

If I disable this add-on, thumbnails are generated for new images that are uploaded.

With this add-on enabled, thumbnail rebuild works, but they aren't created when the initial image is uploaded
Hi @xfrocks - since the update to 0.9.11 it's not creating thumbnails for @bobster65 showcase or @Chris Deeming s xenmediagallery.

If I disable this add-on, thumbnails are generated for new images that are uploaded.

With this add-on enabled, thumbnail rebuild works, but they aren't created when the initial image is uploaded
Please confirm version of XenForo and the other two add-ons. IIRC, both add-ons do not use built-in thumbnail, instead they generate their own thumbnail images (to have custom sizes etc.).
Please confirm version of XenForo and the other two add-ons. IIRC, both add-ons do not use built-in thumbnail, instead they generate their own thumbnail images (to have custom sizes etc.).
XenForo 1.2 Gold
Showcase 1.3.0
XenMediaGallery 1.2.15

Both of these worked before upgrading to attachment store 0.9.11 (and they work on XF1.2 Gold with it disabled)
I tried this addon with XenForo 1.2 and Xen Media Gallery 1.2.15, but there are two problems:

The filenames. Is it possible to keep the names of the files? This Addon changes the names for example from "Real_Shelter_-_Regenabweisende_Daecher-0.98c.zip" to "18_8faf23c0fa2ee331b31b5b1785565f2f.zip" (I use "Store file in remote server (via FTP)"). This is not so convenient for the download manager. The filename with an id would be great.

Also the attachments for Xen Media Galery doesn't work for me with this addon. I can find the Image itself on the server, but the link to the attachment is still there: "/data/xengallery/0/19-2a0aa6be4b4c479ecb12f97dbefd7cff.jpg" and so it's broken.

A separation between the storage for attachments and downloads would be really good as well.
I tried this addon with XenForo 1.2 and Xen Media Gallery 1.2.15, but there are two problems:

The filenames. Is it possible to keep the names of the files? This Addon changes the names for example from "Real_Shelter_-_Regenabweisende_Daecher-0.98c.zip" to "18_8faf23c0fa2ee331b31b5b1785565f2f.zip" (I use "Store file in remote server (via FTP)"). This is not so convenient for the download manager. The filename with an id would be great.

Also the attachments for Xen Media Galery doesn't work for me with this addon. I can find the Image itself on the server, but the link to the attachment is still there: "/data/xengallery/0/19-2a0aa6be4b4c479ecb12f97dbefd7cff.jpg" and so it's broken.

A separation between the storage for attachments and downloads would be really good as well.

It's possible to keep the original filename but sometimes that exposes some security risk. I may add extra option if you need it.

About Xen Media Gallery, since XenForo 1.2, there is attachment thumbnail rebuild tool and that overwrites thumbnail of attachments regardless of the content type and that breaks Xen Media Gallery (because that add-on use custom sized thumbnail). Therefore the add-on generates another thumbnail by itself and that file is what you have found.

It's unclear what this means: "A separation between the storage for attachments and downloads would be really good as well."?
XenForo 1.2 Gold
Showcase 1.3.0
XenMediaGallery 1.2.15

Both of these worked before upgrading to attachment store 0.9.11 (and they work on XF1.2 Gold with it disabled)
I have successfully run XenForo 1.2 (Gold) with Showcase 1.3.0 + [bd] Attachment Store 0.9.11 and the thumbnails are generated properly at /data/showcase/ (not in attachment storage). I cannot test with Xen Media Gallery because I didn't have a license for that. Can you confirm your problem with Showcase? If it still happens on your site, I will need you to send me the site info with admin access. Thank you.
I have successfully run XenForo 1.2 (Gold) with Showcase 1.3.0 + [bd] Attachment Store 0.9.11 and the thumbnails are generated properly at /data/showcase/ (not in attachment storage). I cannot test with Xen Media Gallery because I didn't have a license for that. Can you confirm your problem with Showcase? If it still happens on your site, I will need you to send me the site info with admin access. Thank you.
I've tired it on 2 installs, and it doesn't work on either (live and test). @bobster65 also uses the exact same method for thumbnail generation as @Chris Deeming does in XMG.

I'll try again in a clean install of both, but you can have full access to the dev site no problems.
I've tried with a clean install of XF 1.2 Gold, showcase and xenmediagallery.

Uploading images and thumbnails works fine with attachment-store not installed.

I've installed attachment-store, set it to use Store file in External Data directory and thumbnails for both add-ons are not working.
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