XF 2.1 bbcode Table width?

Mr. Jinx

Well-known member
Using the table bbcode, all tables are always full width 100%.
Would it be possible to remove the 100% width, so the tables get the normal size?

I looked at the CSS code, but it seems hardcoded as it is defined is the element:
<table style="width: 100%">

In XF 2.0 I used the Editor & BB Code Manager (KL Editor Manager) which had the 'table=collapse' option.
This addon seems a bit overkill for 2.1 if you only use it for tables support. So I could uses this addon again, but was hoping for a better / cleaner solution.
Thnx, I know, but the problem is that the table width is placed in the element. This means it will override all css settings:


As far as I know, there is no easy way to overwrite this using css?

ps: I know where to edit this in the core file but that is a bit nasty.
But you can change the class bbTable or overwrite it in the extra.less. The table is inside the div. A smaller div will normaly make the table smaller, too.
Then you are forcing it to certain width but that is not what I want.
I want to remove the width completely so the table gets as small or big as it needs to.


Instead of:
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