XF 1.5 BBCode Menu buttons


Active member
Hi all,

Personally, I prefer to use BBcode when writing posts. When I switch the editor from Rich text editor to BBcode there are no buttons in the menu. Is there something I need to activate in settings, or do I need to upload a plugin to activate a bbcode menu? Please let me know. Thanks! :)
The editor buttons are only available in rich text mode.

I don't believe there are any add-ons available which would make the buttons available in bb code mode.
Can a rich text editor button be created and used for a bb code? For instance I prefer to wrap text around images placed on the right and left of a post, its a pain to have to enter the code for each image as i go.
I know this is an old topic, but I'm migrating my forum from SMF to XenForo 2.1.7 and a lot of people are used to the old non-rich text editor. SMF allows you to click the Bold button and it automatically inserts the BB code for you. You can even highlight the text then click Bold and it will add the BB code tags (but not WYSIWYG). So I agree with the OP that it would be nice to have the buttons available in BB code editor mode.
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