Ban disposable or spam email hosts

Ban disposable or spam email hosts December 2018 Update

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Well-known member
@alexD Oh great release. One more improvement request, Please can you add support replace by N/A to username? Import user id 1 or who user importing this xml ?
I had decided to not explicitly set the value to 1, for the possibility where that user id might no longer be of an active administrator.

An easy solution would be to run the following query:
UPDATE xf_ban_email
SET create_user_id = 1
WHERE reason = 'MailChecker';
I had decided to not explicitly set the value to 1, for the possibility where that user id might no longer be of an active administrator.

An easy solution would be running the following query:
UPDATE xf_ban_email
SET create_user_id = 1
WHERE reason = 'MailChecker';

OK but can be set import username from who user importing this xml ?
OK but can be set import username from who user importing this xml ?

Great its already working, also updated Reason Datio/MailChecker? How to know if new Temporary / Spam Email Domain need to ban? Do you give new update from new Temporary / Spam Email Domain?
I couldn't find an import/export functionality for banned emails in XF1. The schema of the xf_ban_email table is different between the 2 versions.

@Mr Lucky
No, as @Nirjonadda highlighted it does not. A spammer can always use a seemingly valid email which they don't own in that 'contact us' email field.
The banned e-mails list probably only affects e-mails that can be verified using an email confirmation code. I haven't looked much into it.
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