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would be cool to see the style on a live site for the demo.
Can you put up this style onto your audiera-page to better see how it looks ?

Will this theme be updated for future XF-versions?

this is a really impressive theme, thank you! i too am having a few minor issues though, like 3rd angle said, xenporta is having some slight width issues with the latest threads, the term "latest threads" is bleeding into the profile area like so:

Screen shot 2011-08-10 at 12.14.06 PM.webp

and in XenAtendo it's a little crowded at the top:

Screen shot 2011-08-10 at 12.16.31 PM.webp

and the last thing is that if you change the header and tab height in any way in the style properties, the breadcrumb navigation gets covered up like so:

Screen shot 2011-08-10 at 12.23.48 PM.webp

and i can't seem to get it back the way it was even after resetting the settings. anyways, thanks for the great theme, i hope to buy the branding free license when these issues get worked out!
this is a really impressive theme, thank you! i too am having a few minor issues though, like 3rd angle said, xenporta is having some slight width issues with the latest threads, the term "latest threads" is bleeding into the profile area like so:

View attachment 17712

and in XenAtendo it's a little crowded at the top:

View attachment 17713

and the last thing is that if you change the header and tab height in any way in the style properties, the breadcrumb navigation gets covered up like so:

View attachment 17714

and i can't seem to get it back the way it was even after resetting the settings. anyways, thanks for the great theme, i hope to buy the branding free license when these issues get worked out!

I will take a look as I said above to why and what are the issues with xenPorta and the other xenMods made by the same developer.
oh, one more thing, i think the text editing fields should be white (like here on xenforo) instead of that dark grey:

Screen shot 2011-08-10 at 12.29.36 PM.webp

im sure that can be easily changed by the user, but it would be better if white was the way it came out of the box. just a suggestion :)
oh, one more thing, i think the text editing fields should be white (like here on xenforo) instead of that dark grey:

View attachment 17715

im sure that can be easily changed by the user, but it would be better if white was the way it came out of the box. just a suggestion :)

It is white by design. Your changes have affected it. Check on the demo sites, in all it is white.
cool thanks! any ideas about the header issue?
Header issue has been addressed. Please note that the height of the breadcrumb item container is now used in the calculation and must be present. The height is now calculating dynamically as it should have been. My bad obviously :).

Note: The theme is now version-ed.

The theme version number scheme will match xenForo version (first 3 numbers) and the extra (fourth) will be the revision of the skin on that xF version.
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