Add-on Attachments resize


Well-known member
I initially had stupidly big limits for my attachments (or no limits at all) until i figured out how the limits work. Now I have proper limits but I have thousands of attachment images that are many megabytes in size.

I would like for someone to help me out on how to resize them all based on current limits.
You could download all of them and use some batch resizing utility on your computer to resize them and upload or else you could get a script made in PHP or whatever which does the same automatically on the server
Sure, the problem though as I understand it, is not just resizing the images themselves, but also updating the xenforo database table with the new dimensions.
Thanks Brogan, that's what I thought.

If anyone would like to do this let me know what the cost would be - I have no idea how small or big job this might be.
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