Asking regarding the notifications of authentication


I have not seen these in the XenForo demo:

You have entered an invalid username or password. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!

You have used 1 out of 5 login attempts. After all 5 have been used, you will be unable to login for 15 minutes.

Second: I was banned at a forum, and I have been still seeing this notification whenever trying to log in with my account banned.
Your password is 602 days old, and has therefore expired.

The numbers increase by one everyday.
For instance, it is now 602, tomorrow will be 603, and so on.
How to do this in the XenForo Forum Software( I can do this in Demo)
Could you please reply to me to close this issue?

  • I mean there is no hint saying :You have used 1 out of 5 login attempts. After all 5 have been used, you will be unable to login for 15 minutes.
  • All add-ons will downloaded fro free when purachasing the XenForo, and I have access to them and I can upload files the XenForo.
  • I mean there is no hint saying :You have used 1 out of 5 login attempts. After all 5 have been used, you will be unable to login for 15 minutes.
  • All add-ons will downloaded fro free when purachasing the XenForo, and I have access to them and I can upload files the XenForo.
1. It will need custom addon
2. There are 2 type of addons, free and paid. You are free to download the free addon. But to download the paid addon you need to buy it first. Ask the addon author for more information.

And yes, you can install addon and upload addon files to your own xenforo installation, not xenforo demo.
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