XF 2.0 Array In extra Css


Active member
Ignore the question, i found the answer by playing with the code. Hopefully this is correct.
[data-container-key="node-13"], & [data-container-key="node-11"]

Just a quickie regarding the extra.css file.

If using [data-container-key="node-13"] in extra.css, how can this be made to multiple nodes, or in fact can it be. I have tried 13,14,15, but with no joy.
I know it can be done by setting it individually, but i am trying to avoid bloating the file.
Does it actually cause speed/load problems if things like this are added singularly in extra.css?
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Just as a heads up the & wouldn't be required assuming your CSS is something like this:

[data-container-key="node-13"], [data-container-key="node-11"]
.button { color: red; }

Would output like this:
[data-container-key="node-13"] .button { color: red; }
[data-container-key="node-11"] .button { color: red; }

You could put anything in place of the .button { color: red; } to load unique CSS to all that stuff.

Also speaking of arrays, in case someone else finds this topic. Some additional cool LESS:D this would easily customize node colors. 1/6/12/16 are category ID's

.node-colors("1", limegreen);
.node-colors("6", red);
.node-colors("12", crimson);
.node-colors("16", orange);

.node-colors(@class, @color)
    @className: ~"@{class}";
        color: @color;
            background: @color;
        .node--unread .node-icon i:before, .node-title a, .node-extra a
            color: @color;

This loops the CSS for each value you setup at the top.
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This actually works but seems hacky if you want to add 10 forums:

$xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-4'  $xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-5'

Also is there a way to say all forums except home page? (It's for a sidebar ad.)
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