Actually, yes you can. I had the same need and came up with a quick work around that allows me to use admin tags in public templates.
What you need to do is just create a temporary admin view renderer, and then you can render any admin template. Here is my code snippet:
$viewRenderer = new XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin(
new XenForo_Dependencies_Admin(),
$adminView = new XenForo_ViewAdmin_Base($viewRenderer, XenForo_Application::getFc()->getResponse());
$rendererOptions = $this->getRendererOptions();
$rendererOptions = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Option')->prepareOptions($rendererOptions);
$this->_element['renderedOptions'] = XenForo_ViewAdmin_Helper_Option::renderPreparedOptionsHtml($adminView, $rendererOptions, false);
This snippet allows me to use <xen:spinbox, <xen:textbox, <xen:radio, etc. outside of the admin panel. I'm not sure of your coding experience, but this probably takes some thorough understanding of how it works to get it to do what you want, but it can certainly be done. Don't ever accept no as an answer
With PHP, anything you want to do is possible.