Archive Site

Archive Site 2.0.1

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Sim submitted a new resource:

Archive Site - Put a site into archive mode and hide unnecessary features from guests

For a site that is no longer accepting new content, you might want to put it into "read only" mode, keeping the content available online for users but preventing users from logging in or posting new content.

You will also want to optimise the site to remove unnecessarily functionality for guests and to improve performance.

There are quite a few configuration changes you can make using the admin UI alone, but there are some elements you will need help to change - which is where this addon...

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I like the idea to remove unnecessarily functionality for guests and to improve performance. However I can't afford to archive my entire forum. What would be really cool is ability to archive old threads and improve their performance for guests. Is it possible?
What would be really cool is ability to archive old threads and improve their performance for guests. Is it possible?

This addon won't do that.

Archiving old threads won't really achieve anything if the rest of the site is still active. The thread content still gets served out of the database in exactly the same way, and if users can still log in and create new content, then nothing actually changes.

I don't think you'll achieve anything by partially archiving the site.

You may want to look into Guest page caching to try and improve performance for guests: ... although there are some gotchas which require care when configuring it.

This addon is specifically for cases where the site is no longer accepting new content and wants to prevent users from logging in.

I expect there to be very few people who might want to make use of this addon - I built it mostly for my own use. If anyone else gets value out of it, that's a bonus.
This addon won't do that.

I understand. that was more like a suggestion for another one. )

Archiving old threads won't really achieve anything if the rest of the site is still active. The thread content still gets served out of the database in exactly the same way, and if users can still log in and create new content, then nothing actually changes.

I mean no login/subscribe/reply/etc features and related js/css for archived threads. That should improve page speed.
This addon should work with XF 2.2b1 - I have not yet done full testing on it, but my code walk through shows nothing that should be of concern.
I just want to say thanks for this addon, I run it often on development versions of my main sites.
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Sim updated Archive Site with a new update entry:

major upgrade to user archiving; XF 2.3 support

This new release includes a major change to the user archiving process.

Previously, we simply removed the passwords and removed the ability to set a new password, but didn't fully disable archived users. This was so they still showed up in member lists and didn't affect the member counts and so on.

Now, we do fully disable all archived users to prevent all forms of login or emails, etc - and we have modified the user lists so archived user still show. We use a table to store the previous...

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