XF 2.2 Applying default permissions in Setup.php file


Active member
My addon has a permission group defined. When the addon is installed, how do I ensure that the "Admintrative/Administrator" get the required permissions by default?

There are some core methods in \XF\Install\InstallHelperTrait, namely applyGlobalPermission, applyGlobalPermissionInt, applyContentPermission, and applyAdminPermission. They take a permission and apply it to groups which have an existing permission.

For example, to give a permission to each group which has the post thread permission:

// ...

// only necessary on upgrade

You'd generally place them in a method and then call that in an install step and within...
As far as I know this is not possible by permission definitions. You could add the permission through the entity manager in your installation class and then rebuild the permissions using the UpdatePermissions service.
You have to do this in your Setup.php. You can also use the Standard Library by @Xon to save some writing.

Look at SV\StandardLib\InstallerHelper::applyGlobalPermissionByGroup ;)
Something quick (didn't test tho):

public function installStep1337()
   $permission = \XF::em()->create('XF:PermissionEntry');
   $permission->set('user_group_id', 3); // 3 for admin
   $permission->set('permission_group_id', 'asppbfoo');
   $permission->set('permission_id', 'manageFoo');
   $permission->set('permission_value', 'allow');
   $permission->set('permission_value_int', 0);


protected function rebuildPermissions()
    /** @var \XF\Service\UpdatePermissions $permissionUpdater */
    $permissionUpdater = \XF::service('XF:UpdatePermissions');

    /** @var \XF\Repository\PermissionCombination $permComboRepo */
    $permComboRepo = \XF::repository('XF:PermissionCombination');

    $missing = $permComboRepo->insertGuestCombinationIfMissing();
    if ($missing)
        $this->app->jobManager()->enqueueUnique('permissionRebuild', 'XF:PermissionRebuild');

    /** @var \XF\Repository\PermissionEntry $permEntryRepo */
    $permEntryRepo = \XF::repository('XF:PermissionEntry');


Have a look at how postUpgrade/applyDefaultPermissions are implemented in: https://github.com/Xon/XenForo2-Ale...oad/src/addons/SV/AlertImprovements/Setup.php

It is something like the following:
public function installStep3(): void

public function postUpgrade($previousVersion, array &$stateChanges): void
    $previousVersion = (int)$previousVersion;
    if ($this->applyDefaultPermissions($previousVersion))
        \XF::app()->jobManager()->enqueueUnique('permissionRebuild', \XF\Job\PermissionRebuild::class, [], true);

protected function applyDefaultPermissions(int $previousVersion): bool
    $applied = false;

    if ($previousVersion < 1695694020)
        $this->applyGlobalPermissionByGroup('general', 'svCustomizeAdvAlertPrefs', [

        $applied = true;

    return $applied;

This sets up permissions on install (where a premission rebuild will be done for you), and then supports applying new permission on various upgrade steps and triggering a permission rebuild if required.
Look at SV\StandardLib\InstallerHelper::applyGlobalPermissionByGroup
I would rather not have any dependency with other add-ons.
Have a look at how postUpgrade/applyDefaultPermissions are implemented in: https://github.com/Xon/XenForo2-Ale...oad/src/addons/SV/AlertImprovements/Setup.php
Is the applyGlobalPermissionByGroup() function native to XF or is it a part of SV's addon? I'm guessing it's the latter since I do not find that function in XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup class
There are some core methods in \XF\Install\InstallHelperTrait, namely applyGlobalPermission, applyGlobalPermissionInt, applyContentPermission, and applyAdminPermission. They take a permission and apply it to groups which have an existing permission.

For example, to give a permission to each group which has the post thread permission:

// ...

// only necessary on upgrade

You'd generally place them in a method and then call that in an install step and within postUpgrade (the latter guarded by a $previousVersion check).
What i do wrong here, please?

    public function installStep2()
        $tags = [
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $this->applyAdminPermission('xc_regex', 'useTag' . ucfirst($tag));
Per my post above, that would apply the admin permission xc_regex to users/groups/etc. who already have the useTagCat or useTagDog permissions.
I can’t say anything I haven’t already said. The method sets them based on an existing permission. Pass your new permission as the first argument and an existing permission as the second argument.
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