Apply CSS styling to sticky / pinned threads

Apply CSS styling to sticky / pinned threads

Try adding some CSS for .discussionListItem .title a:link and a:visited.

This is what I now have in the Extra.css

.discussionListItem.visible.sticky, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .posterAvatar, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .stats
background: @inlineMod;
font-style: italic;
.discussionListItem .title a:link and a:visited.
color: #ff0000;

This doesn't work - any ideas how it should look? CSS isn't one of my strong points.

Renada :)
This doesn't work - any ideas how it should look? CSS isn't one of my strong points.

Renada :)
Sorry, I missed this post.
Try this:
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:visited {
color: #CC0000;

And this for the last post user name:
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #CC0000;

Change the #CC0000 to suit.
Would there be a way to hide Sticky threads once I've read them .... until maybe there is a new reply in the sticky threads ? or a new thread ?
Sorry, I missed this post.
Try this:
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:visited {
color: #CC0000;

And this for the last post user name:
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #CC0000;

Change the #CC0000 to suit.

No worries, thanks for this - works a treat :)
although I have done all the steps you say Brogan, the only yellow background I see is the background at the back of "Views, replies" and at the back of the avatar

Last reply and the background at the back of the thread title keep white...:S
At the end of each line, before the closing ;
Like this: background: @inlineMod !important;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .posterAvatar, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .stats
background: @inlineMod;
font-style: italic;
background: @inlineMod !important;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:visited {
color: #CC0000;
background: @inlineMod !important;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #CC0000;
background: @inlineMod !important;

this is ok?
Your markup is incorrect.

You have background: @inlineMod !important; repeated but outside the closing }.

Try this:
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .posterAvatar, .discussionListItem.visible.sticky .stats {
background: @inlineMod !important;
font-style: italic !important;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:visited {
color: #CC0000 !important;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #CC0000 !important;

I've just tested that on 1.1 and it works, so if it still doesn't work for you, then it's an issue with your style.
yes I have tested it on default 1.1 style and it works, but on my style it doesn´t..I can´t understand why because is the default theme but with the header a bit modified
I just wanted a subtle discoloration. but still have inline moderation highlight it.

background: rgba(255, 255, 240, 0.6);

Is what I use now.
Ok. I have a small problem. This is only working for my 'sticky's. How can I make this work for 'New Forum Posts' as well?
Ok. I have a small problem. This is only working for my 'sticky's.
That's because it is only supposed to work for sticky threads.

How can I make this work for 'New Forum Posts' as well?
Like this:
.discussionListItem.visible.unread .posterAvatar,
.discussionListItem.visible.unread .stats {
background: orange;
font-style: italic;
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