Anyone read/write Latin?


Well-known member
So I hired out some translators to fulfill a graphic art I am doing with the use of Glyphs and magic circles and yaadaa yaadaa, you don't care about that.

Anyway, I provided these translators with an English script and they in turn were to provide me with the Latin translation.

This is what I was given. I was hoping someone here might be fluent in Latin and could tell me what it says in English just to see if it is right. And yes, I did use Google Translate and no, it's not exact.

Destitutio in natura mea non est. Destruam et vincam et interficiam.
Numquam succumbam et detrimentum nesciam.
Vis gladii mei et judicium symboli mei sunt.
Meus labor, consectatio, et audacia incomprehensibili erunt.
Campio arenae sum.
Google translator is never exact because it does not put the verbs in the right place. Whenever I need to translate something I use google translate just to get an idea. I always have to change words around and sometimes rewrite a whole sentence so it makes sense on my own language.

Translating is not easy, I'm fluent in both Portuguese(BR) and English and always have a hard time translating.
So I hired out some translators to fulfill a graphic art I am doing with the use of Glyphs and magic circles and yaadaa yaadaa, you don't care about that.

Anyway, I provided these translators with an English script and they in turn were to provide me with the Latin translation.

This is what I was given. I was hoping someone here might be fluent in Latin and could tell me what it says in English just to see if it is right. And yes, I did use Google Translate and no, it's not exact.

Destitutio in natura mea non est. Destruam et vincam et interficiam.
Numquam succumbam et detrimentum nesciam.
Vis gladii mei et judicium symboli mei sunt.
Meus labor, consectatio, et audacia incomprehensibili erunt.
Campio arenae sum.

I'll try to do my best, i studied ancient latin when i was in scientific lyceum about 20 years ago ( i think it's comparable to an high school). Also i'm translating from latin to italian and then to english that is not my mothertongue :p
Also take in account that in ancient latin the same word could have different meanings depending from the context.

The betrayal is not in my nature. I'll crush and i'll win and i'll destroy.
I don't know the original text but may be the last sentence is: I'll fight, i'll win, i'll crush/destroy ?
Also maybe betrayal is not the right word. Extending the meaning of "destitutio" it could be also "retreat", "defeat", "desertion", etc.

Never i'll succumb and [never] i will know the defeat.
The strength of my gladium and wisdom
(?) are my distinctive traits.

There's an error here. Right word is iudicium and not judicium. Also if symboli (distinctive traits) is the subject and judicium (wisdom, i think) and Vis are the direct objects then Vis declination is wrong. It should be accusative case, vim. But maybe i misunderstood the entire sentence who knows ;)
Gladium is the typical roman short sword.

My effort, [my] research(?) and [my] audacity will be incomprehensible.
Here incomprehensible could be also used in the sense of "without limits".
I'm the champion of the arena.
To be honest "campio" is not an ancient latin word. It's a medieval latin word.
"Heros" or better "Dux" should fit better.
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Hi Francesco, thanks so much for your assistance in this. I was hoping to get a result like this. It was my intention to see what another user would come up with if they were to see those Latin words and while some words may differ, it's safe to say the overall meaning is there and that is exactly the result I was hoping for.

Because everyone's translation differs, it was important for me to get the overall meaning correctly written so that regardless of the translator, they'd all be able to determine what it meant. Three self claimed Latin experts where given an English passage and paid to translate it into Latin for me. All three wrote different Latin words. All three were then given the list of each translation and told to perfect a final, single translation.

If you're curious, here is the actual:

Original Passage
Failure is not in my veins. I will destroy and conquer and take lives.
I will never surrender and I will not know defeat.
I am the strength of my blade and the judgement of my creed.
My hard work, dedication, and valor will know no bounds.
I am the Arena Champion.

Translation One by Filip
Calamitas in meas venas non est. Delebo et capere et vitas sumere.
Numquam se datum esse tradam et nesciam cladem.
Ego sum vis meae acerb acerbitatisque meae fidei.
Labor meus, consecratio et audacia fines non scient.
Ego sum Arena Champion.

Translation Two by Muhammad
Non in natura mea est defectio. Destruam et pervincam et neccabo.
Numquam succumbam et non detrimentum asciscam.
Consisto e firmitate mei galdii quoque fidei ex iudicamento.
Labor mea, dedicatio mea et ferocitas mea sunt sine termino.
Egomet Arenae Victor.

Translation Three by Alice
Destitutio in meis venis non est. Extinguam et vincam et interficiam.
Numquam subcumbam et detrimentum non noscam.
Vis cuspidis meae et judicium symboli mei sum.
Meus labor, consectatio, et valor incomprehensibili erunt.
Campio arenae sum.

Combined Final Translation
Destitutio in natura mea non est. Destruam et vincam et interficiam.
Numquam succumbam et detrimentum nesciam.
Vis gladii mei et judicium symboli mei sunt.
Meus labor, consectatio, et audacia incomprehensibili erunt.
Campio arenae sum.
Latin is Spanish, as far as I know.

Spanish, together with italian and i think also romanian are neo-latin or romance languages. To make it short and over simplified, they are the languages less far from ancient latin. But they are still quite far from ancient latin :D

Spanish is very similar to italian and italian is very similar to spanish. I'm italian and i can understand 50% of what a spanish says (if he do not speak veeery quickly) or wrote, without study spanish. The same is for spanish toward italian.
Romanian instead is quite different from spanish and italian but it seems that romanian immigrants are quite comfortable to learn italian.
Latin is Spanish, as far as I know.



My degree was in Classics, I had a year of Latin composition in grad school, and I taught the undergad Latin comp sequence at UIUC for a year.

The translation is technically correct but very awkward.
If the third sentence is "I am this and this" then the verb sunt is wrong because it means "are". Sum means "I am".


But part of doing a good translation is learning to express something as a native would express it. What the translation says is "x & y are mine", and like the rest of it, is technically correct. I would probably write this with a dative of possession, i.e. "Mihi sunt vis gladii judiciumque symboli" (note verb in 2nd position, could move it to end of sentence if preferred; use of enclitic -que; really don't need to translate "my" here).

Not sure how you get a meaning of creed out of symbolus, but I'll leave that as an exercise for your next round.

Really made my day to see people messing around with this stuff!!!

Ave atque value!
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Spanish, together with italian and i think also romanian are neo-latin or romance languages. To make it short and over simplified, they are the languages less far from ancient latin. But they are still quite far from ancient latin :D

Spanish is very similar to italian and italian is very similar to spanish. I'm italian and i can understand 50% of what a spanish says (if he do not speak veeery quickly) or wrote, without study spanish. The same is for spanish toward italian.
Romanian instead is quite different from spanish and italian but it seems that romanian immigrants are quite comfortable to learn italian.

& Portuguese & French & Catalan & Provençal, they are all Romance languages

However, if you take the modern Romance langauges and try to reconstruct Latin, you will not get the classical Latin that is being written here. That was primarily a literary language, largely incomprehensible to the average Roman of the time.
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