Add-on Anyone else think it's a disservice to have all the XTR modifications deleted?

All they need to do is log in once every 3 months 45 days.
So we could start firing Gemma who is a staff member and haven't been online since 6 months ago:

I mean, how can we trust him when he abandoned his duties?
Come On What GIF by MOODMAN
So we could start firing Gemma who is a staff member and haven't been online since 6 months ago:
View attachment 304377

I mean, how can we trust him when he abandoned his duties?
Come On What GIF by MOODMAN
Her* - Perhaps they are performing behind the scene duties, which you shouldn't really be bothered about. It's none of your business. (Apologies if this was sarcasm, it wasn't clear.)
I think it's time to think about changing the Xenforo policy on deleting actively maintained modifications... we've seen some good developers leave over the issue and at the end of the day it's really just politics.

Nope, it's a good policy and needs to stay. If a developer wants to have a listing, they can either mark/tag it un-maintained or visit the site regularly to engage, if necessary, about their resource.

I remember the days prior to XF housekeeping, it was a cluster fuq. So many resources abandoned, unmaintained, and/or no developer engagement that it made RM far too complex and riddled with issues and complaints.

The real question is .... why would you want to use/install an (apparently) maintained XF resource where the developer/author has seemingly abandoned XF and engagement with their resource(s)?
it would make most sense to me if instead of not being on the forum for 45 days, if was based on not responding to support requests. That could be via forum message or via update.

A paid addon support request should be dealt with within a few days, free addon within a week or two.

This system wouldn’t work if dealt with via DM though.
it would make most sense to me if instead of not being on the forum for 45 days, if was based on not responding to support requests. That could be via forum message or via update.

A paid addon support request should be dealt with within a few days, free addon within a week or two.

This system wouldn’t work if dealt with via DM though.
As if XF doesn't have work enough already. If they'd need to monitor how support is given by 3rd party, I imagine we don't get updates at all. :)
As if XF doesn't have work enough already. If they'd need to monitor how support is given by 3rd party, I imagine we don't get updates at all.
I didn't mean to infer they'd need to do more work. They are already monitoring how often/when they are online. Alternatively it could be up to users to monitor then it would be less work for xenForo staff. ie if a developer doesn't provide support in a timely fashion (time determined whether it's free addon or paid for) then users can make a report.

This just seems o more real;istic system than the 45 days system if there is no need for them to do any support.
it would make most sense to me if instead of not being on the forum for 45 days, if was based on not responding to support requests. That could be via forum message or via update.

A paid addon support request should be dealt with within a few days, free addon within a week or two.

This system wouldn’t work if dealt with via DM though.
That would make more sense.

I think it is disrespectful towards developer to delete his work, because he havent logged in in 45days.
It's disrespectful to the XF community for a developer to accept money for a product they aren't (fully) supporting.

45 days is more than reasonable timeframe for checking in with a customer base a vendor supposedly serves. The current policy seems reasonable to me.

If a vendor has extenuating circumstances, it's not difficult to communicate that to XF or the community.
That would make more sense.

I think it is disrespectful towards developer to delete his work, because he havent logged in in 45days.
I agree. They could be logging in but still not supporting users with legit support questions. It could be they didn't log in because there were no support requests.
It’s not XF’s duty to maintain and moderate the 3rd party market. Or do ya’ll want it to end up like IPS?
It’s not XF’s duty to maintain and moderate the 3rd party market.
It may not be their duty, they own the software and the forum. However it's in their interest that they have a thriving and supported repository of 3rd party addons.

The quality and reliability of then addons is part of what make many customers happy xenForo customers. Surely one of xneForo's objectives is a software that is easily adaptable by devs. So keeping the core software code lean, efficient and reasonably priced is great for those who don't need bells and whistles while ease of developability is good for those who appreciate all the great addons as extras.
If it has not been updated or the author is not active here trying to keep resources up to date. I think you did the right thing. I would rather have quality over quantity.
Maybe an automatic warning on resources if the developer hasn't logged in for 30 days or more and then back to deletion after three months?
Maybe an automatic warning on resources if the developer hasn't logged in for 30 days or more and then back to deletion after three months?

After 30 days paid resources are prefixed as [Unmaintained]

After 35 days the author receives an email informing them that their resources will be removed if they do not log in.

After 45 days the resource is soft deleted.
This was mentioned before, what if updating is not necessary?
Even updating the to be accepted on the current version could be considered updating even if no code updates. It means you have at least tested with the latest XF version - I also said active and it seems like he hasn't logged in since April (when I looked) I don't have a better way just thought it would be good to add community activity and update of resource. Which each of us will have a different idea how it would work. I am not a developer or anything of add-ons.
Until a listed addon causes large scale data deletion/loss or security breach, then everyone thinks it is!
Whenever those cases have come up, XF has stepped in? Those are edge cases and not the norm because it is fairly easy to keep consistent with XF standards.

That would make more sense.

I think it is disrespectful towards developer to delete his work, because he havent logged in in 45days.

I do not know of any developer or designer who would actually feel disrespected. At most it would be possibly annoyed that you are getting a ton of messages from people about what happened, and then you just resolve it.

Normally if someone is gone for 45 days, it is either because they have something serious going on in real life (or are just busy), or they have purposely been cutting back their involvement with XF. XF is also fairly clear about the policy, and it is pretty simple to log in once in a while (I know one developer who has a tab on a server running in the background refreshing every 24 hours, and I use to put XF as a homepage tab so it would open up when I still did designs).
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