Yeah, I'm not totally sure how long it's been going on. I just know it feels like I've been encountering this issue a lot recently. It's so bloody annoying that a browser is having such a detrimental effect on my casual usage of all the sites I visit with a single click.
It's like they smarter they try and be, the more they **** things up.
Their smart address autocompletion screwed me over massively a while back too because I often ship to various addresses. I think I must have clicked on an autocomplete suggestions in one field, which changed the value of a field I'd already filled out. I didn't realise this and it sent the package to the wrong address. Literally hours on the phone with DPD and the customer later they didn't get what they needed on time. Even though at one point DPD were so high tech themselves I could see the driver was minutes away from my billing address, yet HQ told me they wouldn't be able to give me the package so I could then personally drive hours to the customer in another city in time because of data protection bollocks. I placed the order FFS, I know all the data on the order! But yeah....pretty sure that was partly Chrome's fault again I think for that one.