Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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I don't have access to that information. All I compare is the amount of new people showing up, asking to convert from other software vs that on the IPB, VB and other vendors forums, and of those converting away it seems the only people citing "lack of updates" are those trying to make a point, the majority converting away would seem to be people who didn't plan for the loss of addons or similar.

Thats how I see it at least.
That was more of a rhetorical statement. I wouldn't expect any release of numbers.
My point is if renewals are slowing down that means one of two things. Lack of confidence or people have moved on.
The current version is working fine. I don't believe there are any show stopping bugs.
I don't necessarily feel it's the lack of updates that bother customers the most but rather the lack of communication.
IMO this sounds like a cover up if I have ever heard one from a business....and in my niche....oh you can bet cover ups are our specialties haha. I don't think not knowing or caring goes together or not. In fact....I see new people join these threads everytime I show up. o_O

Mind you if people are like me, I only keep coming back because I keep getting emails, and then I'm like well lets see what they said, and then I find my opinion and will to say it. Blame the alerts ;)

Thing is, there is no cover up (or not one im aware of at least :eek:). As / when / if KAM ever want to discuss the details of why the lack of communication has been as such i'm sure it would be very easy for people to pick holes and say "well why didn't you do this" whatever the reasons may be.

Problem being, saying these things in retrospect is easy. If we could all live our lives in retrospect I imagine we would all have drastically different lives.
A break ... from what? You make it sound as if people were demanding a hundred backflips and headstands a day.

It's a figure of speech: Give them the benefit of doubt.
I'm still here, still a moderator. I have two licenses I renewed a couple of months ago, and will again when the time comes.
This is business. Even if I am prepared to that (and to a degree, I am), they absolutely CANNOT run any sort of viable business on the basis that everyone has to give them the benefit of the doubt.

This is a flawed arguement Mark.

You buy the product because of its features, stability, support and license at the point of purchase. Not because what "might be coming" or "communication from the developers". If you are making a purchase based on what might be coming in the future... then it is no different if the developers are talking to us or not.

Those who think people like me are "bashing" them are wrong. Most of us are trying desperately to avoid their business and their product's reputation going down the plughole, which it very much is at the moment.

It's not your business to run.

And if the above statement is in fact true, can't you see your achieving the opposite of what you claim?

You (like everyone) are entitled to your opinion. It seems you are really unhappy with the change in level of communication.

However, I don't get how you figure that XF has gotten as bad as vB in their communication. Not to rehash, but to me, being lied to continually for years about what has been promised is worse than not posting for a while. But, it may be to you.

I really don't get, though, where you are coming from with this
many of whom actually paid money they didn't really have to support the guys when the licences were first available.

Who are you talking about? Is this one person, a bunch of people, or some hypothetical person? And, are they upset? If so, how do we know this?
This has nothing to do with "future development" as such, it was covered very well by a poster some weeks ago.

You cannot buy a product if you don't know if it is going to be maintained and advanced. It isn't about specific new features, it is about knowing that the product won't become obsolete/insecure/incompatible.

And Mark... they've already stated development is ongoing and 1.1.3 looks to be coming soon, so what the hell is your point
This has nothing to do with "future development" as such, it was covered very well by a poster some weeks ago.

You cannot buy a product if you don't know if it is going to be maintained and advanced. It isn't about specific new features, it is about knowing that the product won't become obsolete/insecure/incompatible.
xbox &/ xbox live... PlayStation &/ PSN...

you buy the console for the games that are out now and the gui it runs at the moment, not for what games will be released or what updates will be patched in nor do you not buy it because a new platform will come out in a decade....moot argument.
Silence. Is the point.

If you really cannot see what the issue is after so many people have raised it in so many threads, then nothing I can say will help. You can carry on believing it's bad old me being nasty, and everyone's an idiot, if you like.

We could quite easily say the opposite about your point of view. Swings and roundabouts Mark.

As it seems to be a stalemate on opinion, why not let it rest until someone has something new to add?
@Mark.B: IMO, you have some valid points. But you don't need to repeat 1000 times to make your points clear, do you?
Thing is, there is no cover up (or not one im aware of at least :eek:). As / when / if KAM ever want to discuss the details of why the lack of communication has been as such i'm sure it would be very easy for people to pick holes and say "well why didn't you do this" whatever the reasons may be.

Problem being, saying these things in retrospect is easy. If we could all live our lives in retrospect I imagine we would all have drastically different lives.

Well yeah lol, we know you don't know Slavik. You're in the dark with the rest of us :p
A break ... from what?

From this...I hadn't seen it before.
April 11, 2012

Hello everyone, it's been a while.

I'm aware that many of you have been concerned that I've not really showed my face around these parts recently. I can only apologise for my absence and ask you to understand that I've been working through some very difficult personal issues that have been a source of uncertainty and anxiety for me for some time now. I've been conflicted as to whether or not to post, as I haven't wanted to announce my return until such time as I've felt confident that I'm back to stay, and that I can devote the necessary time and effort to focus on our great product and wonderful community. Here I am.

By any measure, XenForo has been and continues to be a phenomenal success. The software has turned out better than I could ever have imagined, and the response to it from the community at large has been incredible, both in terms of sales and feedback. Seeing enormous sites like IGN moving their forums over to our software is hugely rewarding. It's a great pity that Mike, Ashley and I have been unable to really celebrate that success due to the dark shadow of the ongoing lawsuits hanging over us and the grotesque cost of mounting a defence against them, which has meant that virtually every penny that XenForo has made has been consumed by legal fees rather than paying us a salary or allowing us to hire more staff to develop our products faster. Nonetheless, I continue to have faith that the claims against us will be shown for what they are, and that in time we will emerge even stronger than before, and will continue to build world-beating software that people will want to use.

I'd like to thank the many people who've sent me personal messages of support recently. It's heart-warming to see that so many of you care enough to get in touch, even when I'm not around. Thank you, all.

Now, let's get on with doing what we do best.

Tells me what I need to know which is XenForo is on hold until further notice which is OK. vB5 is not coming out for six months. I do think an update to this announcement would be timely with a note that 1.2 is postponed (if it is) awaiting results of January trial.
I'm talking software products here. Clearly you don't know much about IT and software development.

Buying something like XF for a hobby board would probably still be fine. No real issues there, you can probably continue to run it for many years even if development totally ceased forever.

Commercial enterprises simply won't wear that, however. And for something like XF to have a viable future, those big enterprises that currently run vB and IPB have GOT to start switching over. That was starting to happen and it was fantastic. And

Again, people can pretend none of this matters. The big problem is, it DOES matter. And worse than that, the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to recover the previous good reputation.
Like you know much about IT or software development :rolleyes:.
It's a figure of speech: Give them the benefit of doubt.
I'm still here, still a moderator. I have two licenses I renewed a couple of months ago, and will again when the time comes.

And how long should benefit of doubt last, a day, a week , a month or a year. The last real announcement was Feb 7 2012, the one liner i do not count period. For me its easy no renewal if i think the next version is not what i need the 40 or so dollars is easy its set aside for renewal when i need it but what i can see 1.2 is not what i am waiting for. The resource manager is something i would like to have but if that means renewing to get 1.2 it just has to wait until i think its worth it.

If you have a company better to say something then nothing at all, but what i see at the moment is 2 or better 3 camps here on Xenforo. The first camp are what people describe as fan boys or fan girls in their eyes Xenforo can't do anything wrong at all even if its another year before something is said again, Xenforo exploits this and hopes their reputation will keep people using Xenforo software. The second camp is people that have respect for Xenforo and their developers and are willing just like the first camp to support Xenforo and their developers but are unwilling to go on blind faith or not willing to put their website on the line by not having as much info as needed to plan ahead. The third group is people that do not care either way or are trying to rupture camp one and two even by posting then this then that.

For me its easy i am planning a new website with 3 others and i can tell you now that Xenforo is all ready excluded for use because the simple fact of break down of communication and almost no activity. This can change because where in the planning stage and not yet in development stage.
lol how is that abuse?

You said he "clearly doesn't know much about IT or software development". Which is not only baseless but rather insulting.
Ah here comes the abuse again. Always happens. :rolleyes:

Shame, the discussion was actually becoming constructive for a change. But the usual suspects spoil it, every time.
How is that abuse? You're talking down to someone who actually has some experience in IT and software development (Though limited), and I've never seen anything provide proof that you know anymore than he does.

This thread has gone nowhere constructive. It's the exact same thing that has happened in every thread of its type for the last several months, all of which have gone nowhere.

Please play the victim though, my point still stands. I've never seen you as knowledgeable of IT of software development, as such I do not believe you have the right to belittle someone elses knowledge.
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