[Already exists] Turn off email alerts for personal conversation replies


Well-known member
Unless this is already available and I don't see it, I'd like to have the option to shut off email alerts when I have new replies to personal conversations. As far as this forum goes, anyway, I check it often enough that I don't need the instant email alert as well as the alert on the forum. :P
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Go to your contact details (where you can change your email address) and there is an option called "Receive email when a new conversation message is received" under the messaging preferences area.
Oh...guess that would've been a good place to look--I just checked Preferences and Alert Preferences. Thanks! :D Feel free to scoot this over to Implemented Suggestions then. ^_^
For frequent visitors here, you don't want to keep getting emails when you are online so much.
But, I would like an email for a new conversation, if I haven't been on in over 48 hours.

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