XF 2.1 Allow users to be added to a secondary group through a user upgrade?


Well-known member
Is it possible to allow users to join a secondary usergroup to unlock new forums/sections on the site, without having to pay for an upgrade? Is this possible?


User A wants to be a part of the "PS4 gamers" group that allows access to a private PS4 forum on the site. While User B doesn't have access to this because they didn't join the selected usergroup. User A then goes into account upgrades and chooses to join the PS4 Gamers group, he is then automatically moved into this group as a secondary usergroup, thus unlocking special access to a hidden forum without having to pay any money.

Is this possible?
I followed those steps, but it doesn't seem to work? I'm on Xenforo 2.1, not sure if that matters?

When I choose "Yes" as the option, it doesn't add the user to the secondary usergroup as it should.....

Edit: I Missed a step, that's my bad. It seems to be working now. :)
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