MG 2.3 Album View - add name?


OK, if we can't get "custom cover" for media albums, is there at least a way to show the name of the album and the username of the person posting it under the album grid view?

It's really ugly and not at all compelling to just show a few random thumbnails in a 2x2 grid with no other info without hovering over each one (where the text is so small it's also hard to use).
I just want to put up the album name and username under each album. If the devs can't do this, I'm hoping someone can do an add-on or something.
Media Gallery has been a frustrating purchase... has potential, but is so basic and offers so few customizations that it's just not compelling to my users who have been asking for a way to show their photos.
Thanks, changing the settings is simple... but was still hoping for a nice add-on that manages this stuff. I know it all seems simple to you, but I'm pretty novice... easy for me to maintain basic changes to my forum and keep it upgraded, but i worry about modifying templates, code, etc. as it might be affected by later installs of XenForo updates. And worry i won't even remember the files i modified on the server etc. and it will cause me problems in the future.

I do appreciate all your help.
I bet that if you did release it as an add-on I wouldn't be the only one interested. would pay a reasonable fee also of course.
I understand your fear about this. Here I am not suggesting that you modify files on the server or modify templates, well yes, but only one: extra.less. It is specifically designed to customize XenForo without having to touch other templates, it allows a lot of things, it has its limits but you can do a lot with it. So you shouldn't be afraid to fill it with code that allows you to adjust XenForo according to your needs. And then you can comment out the code to find your way around later.
// Thumbnails info always visible

    bottom: 0;

I can offer you an add-on for this (free) but that implies that I would have to maintain it for subsequent versions, and although I had done it before I am no longer particularly keen on it. So if you need to personalize the gallery a little code may be enough but if you really want to not touch anything and only use add-ons then make an explicit request in the dedicated forum.
thank you so much @Old Nick. Appreciate the clarity, and yes, i can probably make that change.
Nevertheless, I'd sure like an official add-on. I'll submit the request. As long as I'm doing that, do you think it's relatively straightforward for you or some other developer to also add in the ability to select a single cover photo from the album and to display that rather than the grid of 4 photos? I believe that would be a very popular add-on since i've found many posts requesting that functionality.
I'm not a developer, I just tinker a little, having learned from my mistakes. Regarding the custom choice of a thumbnail for albums it shouldn't be very complicated to do for most developers lurking around here... it will be more or less expensive, so make sure it is essential to your forum. From experience I know that sometimes a feature seems essential to you and then over time you realize that it is not.
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