If you check that closely, you notice that it adds and removes old IP's.
Tenants add-on depends on Project Honey Pot, who keeps their IP's on record a lot longer than that scripts.
So the fear that you fear, happens a lot easier with that add-on vs my script.
Adam Howard Actually, none of them depend on Project Honey Pot, one of the free anti-spam addons can use it, but it can be set up to use Any API(up to 10 APIs configurable by you: AnyApi), but if you use StopForumSpam + StopBotters, there is very little additional APIs do for you.
Using AnyApi, it is YOU the forum owner who configures how to use it and how long they should be "kept on the record". By default it is set up so you can just tick boxes to turn each APIs on, project honey pot is set up with the following options:
- {$response[0]} = 127 // all Http:BL start with 127 for the 1st octet
- {$response[1]} < 21 // last seen less than 21 days ago
- {$response[2]} > 20 // must have a threat score of over 20
But this is configurable (and I would avoid using too many APIs together)
The more API's you use, the more false positives you are likely to run in to, the longer it takes for the requests, and API's never stop 100% (of even bots)
I have always avoided layering APIs, this is bad (and not what my anti-spam add-ons do), in fact, I personaly would never use more than just StopBotters + StopForumSpam in a real environment (since there are many ways at stopping bots/spam without ever stopping humans, the APIs are only ever used as a secondary / tertiary mechanism, I am not a fan of using multiple APIs, I have stated this many times)
However, FoolBotHoneyPot does stop 100% of bots elegantly without even being noticed by humans, and using one good API (just StopHumanSpam) on top of this acts as a good secondary measure (and stops quite a few Human spammers too).
But APIs will always pick up some false positives (although, StopBotters has not had one false positive reported and has stopped more than 5 Million bots in the last few months, I run this), additional APIs will never stop 100% of bots. The more APIs you use in conjunction, the more false positives you are likely to find, but this rarely increase the number of bots/spam you detect by very much. If the bots/spammers are not detect by StopForumSpam / StopBotters they rarely get picked up by anything else.
For instance.. .I'm waving my hands at figures (and may develop FPHP to produce stats at some point, but I don't need to right now)
StopBotters: Stops ~98% of bots + ~0 % false positives
Now, for every 100 bots attempts per day, 2 get passed StopSotters (obviously they never get passed FBHP), but for every 100 humans, 0 humans get falsely rejected..
StopForumSpam + StopBotters: Stops 98.2% bots + 0.1% false positives (guestimates)
StopForumSpam + 5 others: Stops 98.3% bots + 3% false positives (some API are horrendous at detecting false positives, but I wont name and shame)
Now, for every 100 bots attempts per day, 2 get through, but for every 100 humans 3 get falsely rejected..
Layering APIs is not as useful as you might think. Layers of APIs just slows things down without having much impact on spam.. it has more impact on false negatives
If a user hasn't been caught by StopHumanSpam+StopBotters, they are unlikely to be caught by the next 10 APIs you use
AnyApi was given out, since user like choice, and some users like to use FBHP with Project Honey Pot (this API would not be my choice). For my strict honeypot environment (just for spam), I've been using them all in conjuction to see which APIs are "better" at being used together, but I've found using the following in conjunction:
- StopForumSpam
- StopBotters
- FSpamlist
- Bot Scout
- Spam Busted
- Project Honey Pot Http:BL
has no significant additional impact than just using StopForumSpam + StopBotters (but may produce significantly more false positives)