XF 2.1 Advice on pagespeed optimization [diffs between XF1 and XF2]


Active member
Can I ask which page speed ops are built into XF2 natively, and which aren't.

Is this relevant for XF2? : https://xenforo.com/xf1-docs/manual/cache/

Are these points now built into XF2? : https://imtips.co/optimize-xenforo.html (ie. css minification, hence not in options anymore)

Are there any XF2 speed ops addons, like this but for XF2 for example: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/defer-js.2972/

Are the XF1 still required or built into XF2 now? : https://www.keycdn.com/blog/speed-up-xenforo

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Also are there none of the big addon providers like Themehouse/XenBros etc who have considered a holistic page speed addon for XF2/XF2.1? I would pay $50 - 100 for one that significantly improved forum-wide page speed.

Image compression + js defer/async + minification would be a good start, but especially anything to significantly improve mobile load time I'd happily pay for. Half my traffic is getting 12 secs load times on my homepage.
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