XF 1.5 admin.php - Due to Database work this function is unavailable


My forum was spammed with thousands of posts and they keep on coming.

When I try and access admin.php I get the error "Due to Database work this function is unavailable"

I have rebooted the server and this has not resolved the issue. The spammers are still able to post.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have disabled access on port 80 except for myself. There have been no new posts for about an hour. Currently, I am listed as the only visitor. I do have the ability to permanently delete threads.

My CPU utilization is 0%

However I still don't have access to admin.php.
That doesn't look like a normal XF error response (but it could be). How exactly does this error show up? This could be an issue on your server/hosting. If nothing else try re-installing the files from your version upgrade again.
Also you need to check your PHP and SQL logs for any possible errors.
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