Adhering to Anti-Spam Rules


Well-known member
So, in reviewing why some ISPs may have my email IP blocked recently, I noticed this in Verizon's Whitelist Policy (

"All subscription-based email must include the sender's valid, non-electronic contact information, including phone number and physical mailing address, in the text of each email."

From what I can tell, XenForo's email notifications don't include this information by default. How do I turn this on so that emails sent by my XenForo forum are not flagged as noncompliant with such policies?
Note that whitelist policies are in general much stricter than whats needed to avoid blacklisting. Not including physical contact details does not get you blacklisted.
The email does need to include more details than currently given. Like who it was sent to by whom and why. And if the site is commercial in any way then it needs a lot more.
If you don't have a commercial phone number and physical mailing address?
Then you can not be whitelisted. But there's no need for whitelisting. Getting white listing status means that your domain will get a high reputation and will not be blacklisted. Which is great but you will need to prove the reputation of the domain. This does not seem to be worth the effort.
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