[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations [Deleted]

Is there a notification to admin when an upgrade has been purchaed via the registration (as oppsed to a stock purchase of upgrade after registration)

@AddonFlare This update account type not showing correctly because lot of blank space. Please let me know that how to back in old style and why not this fit into screen size?

@AddonFlare This update account type not showing correctly because lot of blank space. Please let me know that how to back in old style and why not this fit into screen size?

View attachment 236654
This was done to better fit on sites with multiple account types, to use the previous smaller width:
Modify template: af_paidregistrations_accounttype

Replace: .accountTypesOverlay
With: .accountTypesOverlayOFF

We'll add a style property option for this in the next release.
This was done to better fit on sites with multiple account types, to use the previous smaller width:
Modify template: af_paidregistrations_accounttype

Replace: .accountTypesOverlay
With: .accountTypesOverlayOFF

We'll add a style property option for this in the next release.

What do you meaning by this addon designed for lot of account types? We have already multiple 5 account types with Free account types. We hate doing manually templates edit in live site. Then can you let me confirm that when next version will be released because your next version will be happen after 3/4 months or more. So we can not wait Long time. You should give bug fix update instantly.
Then can you let me confirm that when next version will be released because your next version will be happen after 3/4 months or more. So we can not wait Long time. You should give bug fix update instantly.
We're waiting for bug reports (if any) for this version before we release the next. This isn't a bug, it's a change to the design.

What do you meaning by this addon designed for lot of account types? We have already multiple 5 account types with Free account types.
Multiple account types on 1 row instead of making the user scroll with multiple rows.
Version 1.8.0 and you can compare what are better in display?
If you move all of them to 1 row in the AdminCP, it will look like this:

Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 11.49.51 AM.webp

Which looks a lot better than both of those... But if you still prefer the old display, make the template change we posted above ^ or wait for the next release (most likely this upcoming week) with the style property option.
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