[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.8.2

No permission to download
I should install and modify this addon for a client, but I still have no idea how to get rid of the basic membership.
When I deactivate it, it comes back again as second time. When I decative this second one also, it comes back a third time ...

Finally I have a list like this

Paid one
Paid two
Basic active
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
Basic deactivated
I have exactly the same thing, did you find a way around this?
Just bought a bunch of licenses. Didn't realize this wasn't supported anymore. In any event, I got a payment - but no account was actually created. Weird?
Is there any sort of shortcode or widget I can use to "hard code" the registration selection options page into a widget block for my front page?
If a member gifts someone a user upgrade and it's a recurring upgrade how does the user who gifted it cancel the subscription?
If a member gifts someone a user upgrade and it's a recurring upgrade how does the user who gifted it cancel the subscription?
Or is it possible to make a special gift upgrade that is for a certain amount of time that is not a subscription that you can only buy as a gift?
I've been getting this error from time to time recently:

Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.

Anyone else getting this? I never got it before. Stripe of course says it's not them.
Without looking at it, there should be a setting for that? I think you can set it so a member of a current subscription can not double up etc.
It would need to be that no one can buy it for themselves only a gift. Or I guess I can make it that only paying members can gift upgrades.
It would need to be that no one can buy it for themselves only a gift. Or I guess I can make it that only paying members can gift upgrades.
Yeah, make it so only paying members can purchase a gift upgrade... logically what non-paying member is going to gift someone else a membership while not already having purchased one for themselves?
Yeah, make it so only paying members can purchase a gift upgrade... logically what non-paying member is going to gift someone else a membership while not already having purchased one for themselves?
I just tested it and it doesn't work - the "able to buy" permission is for the person who is receiving the gift subscription not who is purchasing.
I've been getting this error from time to time recently:

Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.

Anyone else getting this? I never got it before. Stripe of course says it's not them.
Anyone else using Stripe and getting these errors from time to time?
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