Adding Voice Chat Capability To My Site

@Vercingetorix About 5 years ago I developed an add-on like this to complement mobile apps that under the @TMA account. After I shut down that business, the add-on fell by the wayside. I recently looked at the code and it needs to be redeveloped which has a cost, but it can be done.
🤔...hmmm, tbh, this sounds quite interesting.

I've just had a quick peek at the linked thread and from what I can gather, would it be correct to interpret that this particular add-on was specifically designed for use from mobile devices–and not desktops & tablets? Or was it able to be used across all formats?

Was this add-on strictly for video files? -and not for audio-only files?

Please excuse my technical ignorance here, I'm unclear on whether the uploaded videos were embeded on-site as well as being uploaded to YouTube, or instead uploaded to YouTube only?

I currently have several different projects lined up that I'm very eager to begin working on.

#1) Requires coming up with a way to easily and effectively embed videos-(both existing saved files & also newly created/live recordings too)
(😄 however I have absolutely no interest for any integration with YouTube nor dealing with trigger-happy YT censorship fairies)

#2) There's also another separate project which is somewhat similar to#2, although specifically for embedding live recorded audio messages.

Any chance you might be interested in considering working with me on either–or both–of these projects?
(*welcome to hit me up via PM)

*Note: there is of course more details to these projects than I'm revealing here and I am happy to elaborate further-(as best I can)-in private.

😄I certainly ain't no tight αss slave-driver, so ya can expect that working with me is generally pretty chillaxed.
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