Adding User Avatars to lastpost Node


Just having some difficulty tweaking this template and understanding how the User avatar system works

<xen:avatar user="$forum.lastPost"  img="true" />

I've noticed the size property is used here, but all the sizes are unsuitable for what i require and also with this code it links to the correct profile but the (just shows the default avatar) actual avatar of the user does not display?

Any suggestions how to get this work correctly? Heres what i want it to look like:

Any help would be appreciated! (This should be in the questions section)
Great. Is this something you're sharing or selling at the moment? We don't have any nested categories on our site.
It's something that comes available with our premium styles, and will work with most styles unless they have edits on templates that we use in our framework.
We don't need a theme, most of our templates are custom. Would you be willing to share or sell the code that just does avatars in postbits? I assume it handles users without avatars (and gravatars too).
i have the avatars showing for me with the following code <xen:set var="$avatarGroup">{xen:if '{$forum.lastPost.user_id} < 99999', '0', '{xen:helper snippet, $forum.lastPost.user_id, 2}'}</xen:set>
but unfortunatly anyone who is not in group "0" avatars will not show... im up to group 15 and i have no idea how i could get this to work.. any ideas?


dont bother coding this, just get the plugin so much faster and works perfect!
Has anybody got this without making it a addon? I have been trying for 3 days now and I cannot get the default avatar to show for people who do not have a avatar.
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