This is my first time developing for Xenforo so bear with me if I say something stupid haha. I wanted to create an add-on to show the ratio between likes received and likes given for each user's post.
This is how I'm approaching it:
Created a template_hook for "extra_user_info" to run 'Like_Ratio_Listener' class and function 'template_hook'
My code in Like_Ratio_Listener (I already created a model to run an sql query to grab the liked given and liked received then dividing them to get the ratio. Right now, I need to find a way to grab the userid from the message for $USERIDHERE to output the ratio :
3. So my main question is, how would I grab the user_id of the message to put it into my model.
Thank you so much for the help!
This is my first time developing for Xenforo so bear with me if I say something stupid haha. I wanted to create an add-on to show the ratio between likes received and likes given for each user's post.
This is how I'm approaching it:
Created a template_hook for "extra_user_info" to run 'Like_Ratio_Listener' class and function 'template_hook'
My code in Like_Ratio_Listener (I already created a model to run an sql query to grab the liked given and liked received then dividing them to get the ratio. Right now, I need to find a way to grab the userid from the message for $USERIDHERE to output the ratio :
public static function template_hook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template){
if($hookName == 'message_user_info_extra')
$model = new LikeRatio_Model_LikeRatioModel();
$input = array('ratio'=> $model -> getAllLikesGiven($USERIDHERE));
$ourTemplate = $template->create('like_ratio_post', $input);
$rendered = $ourTemplate->render();
$contents .= $rendered;
3. So my main question is, how would I grab the user_id of the message to put it into my model.
Thank you so much for the help!