Not a badge, but a banner ...
1. Create a User Group ( /admin.php?user-groups/ ) called 'Donator' and set the Banner options.
2. Create a User Upgrade ( /admin.php?user-upgrades/ ) and ensure the user is added to the 'Donator' group.
That's exactly how I do it, too. I do the same for advertisers, too. Siropu Ads Manager 2 adds them to a special usergroup while their banner is active.
The Xenforo User Upgrade system does the same thing, too.
I would like to integrate this kind of thing with So if someone makes a payment, it automatically does the usergroup upgrade. Is this possible?
If the buy me a coffee plug-in is programmed to add a current sponsor to a special temporary usergroup, yea. I dont have that one, but you can check with the developer