XF 1.1 Adding an interactive element to the logo header area


Active member

Hey guys, I'm trying to work on a skin a little bit before we upgrade to the lates version of xenforo. I'm trying to add our shoutbox into the header logo area. I've managed to place it ok:


But you can't click on it or type into it. Here's the coding for the logo_block template:

<div id="logoBlock">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent"><!-- BEGIN CBOX - www.cbox.ws - v001 -->
<div id="draechat" style="float:right;z-index:1;"><div id="cboxdiv" style="text-align: center; line-height: 0">
<div><iframe frameborder="0" width="186" height="98" src="http://www7.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=34496&amp;boxtag=yhe8br&amp;sec=main" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxmain7-34496" style="border:#ababab 1px solid;" id="cboxmain7-34496"></iframe></div>
<div><iframe frameborder="0" width="186" height="98" src="http://www7.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=34496&amp;boxtag=yhe8br&amp;sec=form" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform7-34496" style="border:#ababab 1px solid;border-top:0px" id="cboxform7-34496"></iframe></div>
<!-- END CBOX -->
            <xen:include template="ad_header" />
            <xen:hook name="header_logo">
            <div id="logo"><a href="{$logoLink}">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="@headerLogoPath" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />
            <span class="helper"></span>

Any help at all? Thank you!
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