XF 2.0 Adding a checkbox on register_form


Well-known member
I'm having a little bit of diffcuiltly capturing input from my custom field that sets inside the User Option entity. I'm looking at extending the XF\Pub\Controller\Register class and I'm thinking I should do the following:


namespace BoostN\SendySync\XF\Pub\Controller;

class Register extends XFCP_Register
    protected function setupRegistration(array $input)

        $input += $this->filter([
            'option' => [
                'my_colum' => 'bool'

        return parent::setupRegistration($input);


When I check the box and submit, it saves to the DB as empty. Any pointers or hints at what I need to do next?
I'm revisiting this add-on I'm developing.. still stuck on this. The column is saved to the xf_user_option table..

I've also tried to extend the getRegistrationInput code in the XF\Pub\Controller\Register class..

protected function getRegistrationInput(\XF\Service\User\RegisterForm $regForm)
    $input = parent::getRegistrationInput($regForm);
    $input += $this->request->filter([
            'my_column' => 'bool'

    return $input;

Any advise?
I resolved this by extending both XF\Service\User\Registration and XF\Pub\Controller\Register. Seems to be working now.
@BoostN It will be a very helpful if you share full code because i have same issue special registration service code if you don't mind

Thanks in advance
@BoostN It will be a very helpful if you share full code because i have same issue special registration service code if you don't mind

Thanks in advance

Sure, does this help?


namespace BoostN\SendySync\XF\Pub\Controller;

use XF\ConnectedAccount\Provider\AbstractProvider;
use XF\ConnectedAccount\ProviderData\AbstractProviderData;
use XF\Mvc\ParameterBag;

class Register extends XFCP_Register
    protected function getRegistrationInput(\XF\Service\User\RegisterForm $regForm)
        $input = parent::getRegistrationInput($regForm);
        $input['boostn_sendysync_option_optin'] = $this->request->filter('boostn_sendysync_option_optin' , 'bool');

        return $input;

That captures the data on the registration form, and saves back to the DB on submission.



namespace BoostN\SendySync\XF\Service\User;

class Registration extends XFCP_Registration
    public function setFromInput(array $input)
        if (isset($input['boostn_sendysync_option_optin']))



    public function setSendyStatus($choice)
        $this->user->Option->boostn_sendysync_option_optin = $choice;

Thanks man to share the code but unfortunately it doesn't work with me :cautious: maybe because my data is an array?

or maybe my entity hint to XF\Entity\UserOption is wrong?
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