XF 2.1 Add threads title to breadcrumb


Active member
am trying to add threads title to breadcrumb
<xf:breadcrumb href="{xf:link threads/, $thread}">{$thread.title}</xf:breadcrumb>
The threads title is added, but the link is incorrect

I have that extension installed and added @MesterPerfect 's code to my template.
I like the way it finishes off the look of the breadcrumb but would like to take it one step further

I would like to have the breadcumbs display the entire path for all views, right now in several views the ending part of the breadcrumb is displayed in the line afterwards, which is ok, but I also want to move it into the breadcrumbs

forum > category

Right now looks like this

forum >

It's hard to explain exactly what I mean but basically the entire path to always display in the breadcrumbs
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