XF 1.5 Add something near username in user bar?


Active member
How would I add something near the username in the user bar? I was told by the theme owners to ask on this forum as it's not theme related apparently.

My question is:

Is it possible to add a node tab into the user bar.

Example: I'd like to add that Bank drop down to the left of my username in the green bar.

Hi @andrewkm,

Normally the visitor/user tabs are in template navigation_visitor_tab, line 11:
<a href="{xen:link account}" class="navLink accountPopup NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu"><strong class="accountUsername">{$visitor.username}</strong>

But I see in your style it has actually been MOVED and merged into the moderator bar, so it might be in another template, which you'll have to search around or ask the theme developer how they've implemented that..
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