Lack of interest Add .right and .top class names to menu aligned to right or top

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Well-known member
When XenForo opens a dropdown menu, such as menu triggered by navigation tab, list of subforums, thread tools, etc.. , usually it is aligned to bottom left corner of item that triggered that dropdown menu.

Screenshot of menu aligned to bottom left corner of trigger:

But sometimes when there is not enough space it is aligned to right. Screenshot of menu aligned to bottom right corner:

Also when there is not enough space between end of browser window and link that triggers menu, menu is aligned to top left corner of trigger:

I would love to be able to style those dropdown menus differently, but there is no way to tell how menu is aligned.

I suggest to add .right or similar class name to dropdown menu when it is aligned to right side of item that triggered it. Also add .top or similar class name to dropdown menu when it is aligned to top of item.
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