Add prefix for media and group together by Tag or prefix?


Active member
It would be nice if there could be a way to do better organization of media (I have searched and have found no addons or anything I can see to address this) the closest thing I have found is 8wayrun media addon he has developed that lists his media by keywords.

I am running a Site for a mobile game site and in this people are getting scout or intelligence reports on people daily, its a verse all type of thing however typically people fall under a guild or clan tag this is a consistent factor however there are hundreds of thousands of people in this game so the most ideal thing for me would be to have individuals upload this image of this report and have a data field that would generate this tag or prefix (or that an administrator can review it and then add the prefix or tag)

as these hundreds to thousands of reports are uploaded when people come to view them they can simply click the "Guild / Clan Tag" and it display just those or where in games there are different kingdoms people can click on that kingdom number and it show all players in that kingdom and see their reports.

I just find having more options would be easier for me and I am sure others, now if there is something like this or a plugin please let me know because I have not found it or if you are a developer and think you can help me with this let me know that too.
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