Add-on that pulls data and put on page?


Active member
Would like to know if there are any add-ons that can do the following:
  1. Custom Homepage
    The main area of the homepage should contain the following:
    • Latest 10 Threads from Forums A,B,C
    • Latest 10 Threads from Forums X,Y,C
    • Latest 10 Images
    • Latest 10 Resources
    • 10 Newest Members
    • 10 Most Messages Members
      When I tried the demo, I can create mostly those content with widgets but it's limited to be displayed on sidebar only, not in the main content area. There's not even an option to display it in a custom page. Or maybe I have missed some settings?
  2. Custom Page
    This page should contain a paginated list of all the threads from Forum X,Y and Z.
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But there's no option to display it in the main area, mostly it's in the sidebar only. The Page node I created does not also appear in the Positions option.

Also, #2 seems not doable with widget.
You can add widgets anywhere to a page
I see, so if position is blank then it means to display in the main content area. That's one down ;)

For #2, could you recommend any add-on that can do it? Been looking for quite some time now but most of them doesn't provide pagination.
I'm not sure about the pagination as I don't use a widget like that but I'm assuming there's one out there given I imagine it's fairly standard.
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