XF 2.3 Add external link to public navigation?


Well-known member
Hi, how would I ADD an external link (our sister forum) on the Public Navigation? I got to add the title, the link, but what about Display condition?

1- What should I enter there, where do I find this information?


2- It could show in the submenu or as main tab.


Thanks in advance!

And now associating it to a "parent" makes it display on the TABS bar.
It would display with or without a parent
Any way to change the ICON associated with it, though? Looks like it's assigned automatically.
There would be no icon associated by default. To do so normally would need to be customised, see resource: https://xenforo.com/community/resou...es-nodes-prefixes-phrases-templates-etc.9562/

Unless that is done by a 3rd party style in which case it may be best to ask them.
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