Add an RSS feed block to the sidebar [Deleted]

Could this in someway be provided as a drop-down menu in a 3rd navigation bar? or in the existing navigation bar?

For example:

Navigation Menu With Drop-Down RSS Feeds Like Firefox Toolbar

If you have firefox and know what an RSS feed toolbar looks like, then you know how useful and convenient it is. Most people on my site don't configure it. I would like to take advantage of this and create a 3rd navigation menu that houses feeds. This will make it easier for members to be updated on the latest news and find articles to talk about in the forum. The default registered feeds posts modification for xenforo is cool but I'd rather use this as user generated content is more desired on my site. This could even replace 'Latest Threads' if the forum's Global RSS feeds are added.


When I attempt to go to Google to get an API key it forwards to this address:

With this message:

"The Google Loader no longer requires keys. You don't need to make any changes if you're already using one, but if you choose you may simply remove the key parameter from your requests. Remember that some API calls still require proper identification through HTTP referer as per the documentation and Terms of Service."

"Note that some APIs use other keys (e.g., from the Google APIs Console) which are unaffected by this change."
When I attempt to go to Google to get an API key it forwards to this address:

With this message:

"The Google Loader no longer requires keys. You don't need to make any changes if you're already using one, but if you choose you may simply remove the key parameter from your requests. Remember that some API calls still require proper identification through HTTP referer as per the documentation and Terms of Service."

"Note that some APIs use other keys (e.g., from the Google APIs Console) which are unaffected by this change."

Okay, figured it out, just delete "?key=your_API_key" from cta_rss_feed and it works fine now. Thanks for the great script Brogan!
Hi Brogan - this sounds really good.

I get this message in the sidebar: Feed could not be loaded.
Do you have any ide what I have done wrong?

All the best
i would "request";) to change

<div class="section">
<div class="secondaryContent" id="rss_feed">Fetching feeds...</div>

<div class=" JsOnly section">
<div class="secondaryContent" id="rss_feed">Fetching feeds...</div>
because without js users will see only:

the JsOnly class, hides this for all without js

hope this helps:)


or probably much better:
add the div with js too and then run the google fetch code
 $sidebar = $('.sidebar');
        $sidebar.append('<div class="section"><div class="secondaryContent" id="rss_feed">Fetching feeds...</div></div>');
I have tried to use this RRS from our Xenforo board instead but it still doesn't work:

This is how my cta_rss_feed looks like:

<xen:require css="cta_rss_feed.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

cta_rss_feed_sidebar looks like this:

<xen:include template="cta_rss_feed" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var options = {
title : 'Announcements', /* Title of the feed block */
numResults : 6, /* Number of news items for each feed; default is 4 */
displayTime : 3000, /* Time in milliseconds each item is displayed; default is 5000 */
fadeOutTime : 750, /* Time in milliseconds for the current item fade out; default is 1000, 0 to suppress */
scrollOnFadeOut : true, /* Enable or disable scroll on fade out for the current item */
function loadRssFeed() {
var feed = ''; /* URL of the feed */
var fg = new GFdynamicFeedControl(feed, 'rss_feed', options);
google.load('feeds', '1');
<div class=" JsOnly section">
<div class="secondaryContent" id="rss_feed">Fetching feeds...</div>

I just get a small box with the text Fetching feeds...

I hope someone can help me:)
All the best
Is there a way to add a unique ID to the feed URL? Google is caching my feeds for days, even weeks, and the only solution that works is to include a unique or random ID number with each request. Is there a command I can insert into the URL field to generate this ID?

Without this my users are served up old outdated feeds.
Additional info on my issue:

If you're using the Feeds API, this is typical behavior. The feed is cached on Google's servers, and it's only refreshed periodically. The only real guideline that we have on how often the cache will be refreshed is that it will happen no more than once per hour, with the most popular feeds being cached more frequently than the less popular. There is also no way to force the API to refresh the cache. There is, however a workaround: append a unique nocache parameter to your feed url. The advantage to this approach is that the feed will be updated every time someone checks it (i.e., users will see the latest entries every time).

If I add "&nocache=1" to the end of the URL it refreshes, but then each time I want to refresh again I need to increment the number by one.

Maybe there is a time/date field that changes automatically as time goes by that would accomplish this?
Do you think it would be possible to pre filter all the feeds for keywords? Then jam them all into one long box to form a very granular topic focused RSS feed list?

And is the effected negatively by Google killing of its reader app?

Remove it from PAGE_CONTAINER and add it to forum_list if you just want it to show there.

Yes you can set your own site's RSS feeds as the source.
It's a bit of an odd way to do it as you're effectively requesting content from your own site via a 3rd party but if it works...

The css uses the @ variable so it should automatically update for your site.
You can of course change it to suit.

Anything which is color is text colour so just edit all of those instances.
If I want this to appear on the Xenporta home page and not under the forum sidebar (forum_list) which file do I put the xen:include in?
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