Add ACP options for following and followers count on profile pages

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
The following and followers count are currently hard coded in library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Member.php like so:

$followingToShowCount = 6;
$followers = $userModel->getUsersFollowingUserId($userId, 6, 'RAND()');

It doesn't make much sense being able to increase the sidebar width in Style Properties: Member Profile Page -> Settings -> Sidebar Width if those values are hard coded, as the blocks look incomplete.

I have increased the width of the sidebar to 246px to accomodate YouTube videos - videos less than 230px with adverts won't display, due to new Google rules.
Therefore I have had to manually edit the file to achieve the desired result, which is:

Upvote 17
Just today I was looking for such a thing, it's a bit surprising to see it hard coded to 6 when sidebar lengths vary from forum to forum.
I need this for Xenforo 2. Does anyone know an addon or how to style it to where i can display my member's followers and following on the member view?
<xf:foreach loop="$'XF:UserFollow').findFollowersForProfile($user).fetch()" value="$follow">
    {{ $follow.User.username }}
This suggestion is no longer relevant as XF2 doesn't have those blocks in the sidebar.

It now appears like this:
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