AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics

AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics [Paid] v2.1.0

No permission to buy ($45.00)
Yes but nothing happens when you attempt to buy it on the website.
@Grant I didn't realize the payment form has been broken since an "auto" WordPress update. PayPal seems to be the culprit so I've disabled it and currently only support Visa/MC payments.

If this is problematic for you let me know privately and we can sort out alternate payment.

Hopefully my shopping cart software provider can resolve the issue with PayPal.
Addon hasnt been updated for a while, so would appreciate an update for the major ad blockers right now
I recently looked at purchasing, but decided that with no update for almost 2 years that it's usefulness and relevance would be constrained.

Are there any other options/alternatives?
Are there any other options/alternatives?
Depends what you want to use the addon for.

To put adblock users in a specific usergroup - I dont think so.

To display an "backup ad" if ads cannot be displayed I.e. adblock is used, you can use ads manager by siropu.

I use both.
I recently looked at purchasing, but decided that with no update for almost 2 years that it's usefulness and relevance would be constrained.

Are there any other options/alternatives?

There are no other options that do everything this add-on can.

As a user since day 1 of this add-on, it is still quite useful. Even if is isn't detecting a couple of the newer adblockers it still works on a majority of the most popular ones. I would confidently say the ones it is missing are a small percentage of the total count.

You can find all kinds of widely varying statistics for adblocker usage worldwide and by country. They all have some sort of data backing them.

About the closest you'll come to actual numbers is:
1) The number of internet users using adblockers is increasing
2) Right now somewhere between 20% and 40% of internet users use adblockers on a regular basis

The small price to pay for this add-on ($15) and it's companion ($15) compared to the ad revenue you can begin to recoup immediately from using them should make you not sleep at night thinking why didn't I get these sooner.

A decently busy site/forum could recoup the total cost of these add-ons ($30) from increased ad revenue in very short time.

That being said it is time both these add-ons were looked at again by the author and updated.
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Has @Wutime lost interest in maintaining this addon and supporting his paying customers, then?

It was a great addon, but when it lost it's effectiveness I removed it and another of his addons I was using. I'd be happy to re-install if an update were made available, possibly be willing to pay again as well.
It was a great addon, but when it lost it's effectiveness I removed it and another of his addons I was using. I'd be happy to re-install if an update were made available, possibly be willing to pay again as well.
In what way did it lose its effectiveness?
It’s infuriating when someone charges for addons and then abandons them.
I’m going to explore taking the addon and having my developer update it as necessary.
In what way did it lose its effectiveness?
It creates false-positives. Additionally some lists have provisions in them that match this tools endpoints that it hits for adblock detection.
It also cannot detect DNS based blocking.

Shame that this never got updated, we contacted him multiple times and got no response.
It’s infuriating when someone charges for addons and then abandons them.

I would say the little he charged from day 1 for this add-on and the fact that it worked well for a couple years and still works for numerous ad-blockers, it was money well spent for everyone who purchased it.

I agree with your point that it is unfortunate he seems to have disappeared. I hope he is able to support the add-on once again soon or offers it out to another developer to continue on its' support.
In what way did it lose its effectiveness?
It’s infuriating when someone charges for addons and then abandons them.
I’m going to explore taking the addon and having my developer update it as necessary.

An early version of MS Edge / Microsoft could bypass it, not the current version.
Is there an option to disable logs/statistics, It may slow down the site. I need only ads detector and put notice or move to group
Is there an option to disable logs/statistics, It may slow down the site. I need only ads detector and put notice or move to group
Yes, but if you are only looking for detection without logging then you probably only need...
Is there an option to disable logs/statistics, It may slow down the site. I need only ads detector and put notice or move to group
You’re going to experience a very high volume of false positives. Weve had to disable this addon. Unfortunately the developer has appeared to have abandoned this addon. Several emails and no response over multiple months now; even offered to pay for an update to fix issues with detection.
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