Lack of interest Activity Monitor: option to simply show last posts

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Active member
After to a theme
I have been asked about possibility to see in listing /forum/recent-activity/ not only new posts, but simply latest, ordered by time of last change. It makes easier to find and edit own posts though it is possible to search them in profile or special search. I hope, it is not too difficult to add personal option or dropdown submenu with items "Search recent" and "Search new recent" (which is current). Please, add it, since users have got used.
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Please pay attention to my request. Users complain that they can not find their messages in the recent-activity list, since they are read. Yes, you can search through their profile. However, this separation on own recent and all the others illogical: the only forum, one time-line - and single list of new messages, just read should me more pale.
One of my users asked me again for "Recent posts" 's menu item. Just after forum/find-new/N/threads link . Do not exclude topics been read. May be, one simple code change? PLEASE, add this feature as newyear gift.
I've got answer atобщения-после-Новых-собщений.2783/#post-26589 .
In template navigation find
<li><a href="{xen:link 'find-new/threads'}" class="find-new-threads">{xen:phrase whats_new}</a></li>
and add
<li><a href="{xen:link 'find-new/threads?recent=1'}" class="find-last-posts">{xen:phrase last_posts}</a></li>
Also add phrase last_posts -> "Last pasts"

I wonder why this simple and useful request was ignored here for a long time:(
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